So you want to share your faith with your friends and family but you are not sure you can memorize all the verses or points of the gospel?
Perhaps you have already shared your story as described in Unit 6, and they want to know more. But what do you say? What are the key truths and scriptures?
Fortunately you can use a simple tool that lays out the key points to help. Millions have!
One such free resource is called Knowing God Personally and you can find it online.
You can open this on your smartphone and go over it with them. Or, if you have already shared your story and believe they are open to learning more, you can also send them the link to read it and then you can ask them later what they thought. Listen. Encourage them to trust Christ if they are open.
Another way to share the gospel is to bring them to church or another activity you believe they will appreciate where the gospel will be shared.