An absolute truth is one that is always the case, that is inflexible. It is not a matter of perspective or upbringing. It does not change over time. It is a universal fact.
Christians claim that the Bible teaches many absolute truths, and this study reflects that.
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But we sometimes hear, "There are no absolute truths! Everything is relative. Everybody has their own truth."
"Who's to say who is right or wrong?" not just with beliefs, but with behavior and morals.
Are these statements logical?
If someone argues that, "There are no absolutes," they are, in fact, arguing for at least one absolute truth! And if one, why not more?
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And if someone argues that, "Truth is relative," then wouldn't that statement also be relative--not always true?
Again, if someone asserts, "No one knows what the truth is," they are claiming they do know what is true. That contradicts their statement.
If someone says, "No one's opinion is better than anyone else's," that too is self contradictory. It's just an opinion. Why should it deserve special treatment?
Here's one we hear a lot:
Are morals relative? If someone says, "Don't impose your morals on me," they are saying it's wrong to do so, yet actually imposing a moral value on you. They are violating their own rule.
Life just doesn't work out in a "truth is relative" way. Try turning in random answers on a test.
Check out this website for more answers to tough questions.